Sustainable Earth Eating Digest
Posted on July 25, 2023
NYT Reports on Study Linking Vegan Diet With 75% Less Greenhouse Emissions
An article in the New York Times on July 21 reported that “People who follow a plant-based diet account for 75 percent less in greenhouse gas emissions than those who eat more than 3.5 ounces of meat a day, and a vegan diet also results in significantly less harm to land, water and biodiversity, according to Univ of Oxford research.” The new study used the actual diets of 55,000 people, including vegans, vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters, in the United Kingdom and data from 38,000 farms in 119 countries. The study appeared in the journal Nature Food.

SEE Promotes “Independence from Meat” in Holiday Parade in Washington, DC
Sustainable Earth Eating Executive Director Jane DeMarines spent the morning of Independence Day suggesting parade go-ers consider becoming independent of meat—or lessen their dependence. Shown here with Vegetarian Batman, also promoting a vegetarian agenda, the parade attracted many marching groups, bands, twirlers, dancers and importantly ENVIRONMENTALISTS! DeMarines passed out candy to kids—customary for parades, in addition to talking to the parents. More than 1,000 people watched the parade with many vegetarians— giving the thumbs up!
See Joins Climate Healers in Media Release: UN’s Climate Change Data Usage: “dangerously misleading”
SEE joined with Climate Healers in sending out a press release to publicize Dr. Sailesh Rao’s concerns about a recent report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC), the scientific group that monitors and assesses all global science related to climate change. Dr. Rao found a fatal flaw in the UN IPCC’s consensus process, which enables representatives of nations to override and veto scientific recommendations.
According to Rao, the Report’s Summary for Policymakers is filtered through greenhouse gas emissions accounting conventions that are dangerously misleading and could take the world down a path of ecological annihilation. “These conventions systematically minimize the impact of animal agriculture and maximize the impact of fossil fuel burning, by using net accounting for anthropogenic land use change data and gross accounting for fossil fuel use data.”
NAVS Conference: Focus on Vegan Research, New Books, and Tasty Cuisine!
The North American Vegan Society hosted their annual meeting at the University of Pittsburgh campus in Johnstown, PA in July. SEE exhibited at the large annual gathering (400+ attendees) from the United States and Canada. Sessions on animal agriculture and the dietary impact of meat on health gave SEE a chance to provide information on topics it knows well and provides a national audience via its newsletters, media and consumer outreach, social media postings, and participation with multiple partners in the Maryland and Washington, DC suburbs and nationally. DeMarines felt right at home with vegan activists, but even more so because she grew up 10 miles from the conference site.