Food is Climate Newsletter
Posted on February 22, 2022
New York City expands Plant-Based Lifestyle Medicine Program. Mayor Eric Adams recently launched the pioneering program to provide whole-food, plant-based nutrition and lifestyle counseling to critically ill patients. It was initially implemented at the NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue medical system, and is now expanding to six additional hospitals across the city. The President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, called the program “innovative, vital, and time-sensitive” work that would provide a nationwide model.
Environmental Justice: Biden officials launch tool to identify disadvantaged communities. The Biden administration recently launched an online tool to identify communities that are overburdened by pollution and other environmental hazards, The Washington Post’s Darryl Fears reports. The White House Council on Environmental Quality is urging Americans to use a “beta version” of the tool over the next 60 days to reveal communities affected by health threats such as tainted water and poor air quality. “Too many American communities are still living with water that isn’t safe to drink, housing that isn’t built to withstand climate change-fueled storms, and too few opportunities to benefit from the nation’s bright and clean future,” the council’s Chair Brenda Mallory said.
UNCHAINEDTV, a new streaming TV network with programs focused on activism to save the planet, was launched last month by vegan broadcaster, Jane Velez-Mitchell. UNCHAINEDTV collaborates with filmmakers and non-profits that focus on climate change, ending world hunger, improving human health, fitness, as well as wildlife conservation, habitat preservation, animal welfare and promoting a healthy, plant-based, cruelty-free, low-carbon-footprint lifestyle.
UNCHAINEDTV accepts video submissions for consideration, but streams its own content, including, plant-based cooking show New Day New Chef and climate documentary Countdown to Year Zero. The company says, “We are rapidly approaching a point of no return on biodiversity loss, extinction, ocean acidification, and desertification. Few in media or government are talking about actions that individuals can take to reduce their own carbon footprint and live more sustainably. UNCHAINEDTV is trying to do this.”
Meat Industry Consolidation has led to price fixing (another reason to reduce meat consumption). Consumers are paying inflated meat prices not because of the pandemic or increased labor costs, but because of market manipulation by meat processing companies, according to an Accountable.US (watchdog group) review, aired on NBC. The biggest processors — only four control 85% of the market — have been subject to price-fixing lawsuits, with several paying at least $400 million in fines and settlements, including Tysons $220 million and JBS USA Food CO $110 million in 2020. Gross profits for some leading meat processors are at historic highs. However, the price of cattle paid to farmers and ranchers is at decade ago levels, adjusted for inflation.
Editors: Jane DeMarines, L.A.Frank
“Food Is Climate takes its name from the lauded book of the same name by Glen Merzer. It was distributed at COP 26 in Glasgow where I obtained it. We highly recommend this slim volume as the most incisive and accurate view of the climate crisis that we’ve found. Available at Amazon.