Hundreds of UK Academics Call for 100% Meat-Free Food Catering at Nation’s Universities
Posted on April 15, 2024
In an open letter organized by the student-led Plant-Based Universities campaign, more than 650 academics have called on British universities to commit to vegan meal catering to fight the climate crisis, likening such a move to the fossil fuel divestment to which 101 UK universities have already committed, Damian Carrington reported for the Guardian. “We are acutely aware — as you must be too — of the climate and ecological crises; not only this but we are also mindful that animal farming and fishing are leading drivers of them, read the letter, which was sent to UK university vice-chancellors, catering managers, and student union presidents. “Most universities have declared a climate emergency, with many taking steps such as fossil fuel divestment. [Students] deserve to know that their universities are actively working to create a future for them to graduate into,” the letter continued. “Not vegan? That’s okay. We are not asking for individual dietary changes. Students and staff can still bring whatever food they like on to campus. What we are asking for is institutional .